None of the DSM editions had ever been scientific lmao.

“our understanding of the biology of mental disorders has been slow in coming.”

There’s no biology in mental disorders; none of them have objective phenomena and they are arbitrarily given and created.

  • Anxiety, as an emotion, is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. It is generated as a reaction to stress.

    Anxiety disorders are “mental disorders” characterized by symptoms of intense anxiety or panic.

    • And what’s the issue with those characterisations? Given that the symptoms of intense anxiety or panic in themselves ought to have biological phenomenon behind them if we’re going by a physicalist-realism perspective of the human mind and body?

      •  Amicese   ( ) OP
        2 years ago

        And what’s the issue with those characterisations

        Nothing. The problem is that anxiety disorders are subjectively given and do not have falsifiable phenomena.

        They are also very reductionist; anxiety is an important emotion and it is very rational to be anxious when dealing with uncertain issues (like getting food poisoning). Anxiety helps to motivate to take action.

        Given that the symptoms of intense anxiety or panic in themselves ought to have biological phenomenon behind them

        Ought to have is not the same as proven to have (through disproving a null hypothesis); and anxiety disorders are not based on scientific research; but instead assertions.

        if we’re going by a physicalist-realism perspective of the human mind and body?

        what’s physical-realism?