The highest 24-hour fundraising total, surpassing Trump’s post-conviction and (likely, given that they refuse to disclose it) post-assassination totals.

888,000 small donors, 500,000 of whom were first-time donors for this campaign cycle.

That’s the engagement and energy we should have been having this whole time. That’s the kind of engagement and energy that landslides Trump.

  •  t3rmit3   ( ) OP
    6 months ago

    Essentially, yes, though not just literal ads only.

    Ads, hiring local staffers in swing states to canvas, paying for campaign events, etc.

    Name recognition and getting your message and policies into peoples’ eyes and ears. Momentum builds momentum, because apathetic voters often need to feel like there are enough other people doing the same thing that they can be part of a winning team, to make taking the time to vote worth it (whether that is a sad reality for politics or not is another discussion).