And yet they are braying for Trump Lite who is playing directly from the US christofascist playbook of grievance and identity politics while making impossible promises without ever telling us how he plans to deliver. But, he’s"not Trudeau" amiright?

  • 45% of CPC voters think Trump will usher in an era of peace and stability.

    Just let that nonsense sink in.

    In fact, CPC voters drags the numbers significantly in every category. Where LPC and NDP voters are 1-4% in agreement, the CPC is 20-45%.

    Fucking deranged

    • I have one in my family. It’s truly deranged shit. This is why campaigns should focus on talking to the rest of us and getting us out to vote.

      With that said, the Liberal status quo hasn’t done nearly enough for regular Canadians. Superficial measures pre-NDP deal. Half-measures after that. They’ve let provincial governments sabotage their flagship policies. Now they’re letting dentist orgs do the same for the dental care program. Shamefully superficial action on housing. They’ve let all levels of governments to mop the floors with unions. Unlike Biden’s government, it seems like the LPC is still largely stuck in the confines of neoliberal economics with the exception of debt, which is a positive development but it’s not enough. They have to get bold and begin deploying nonmarket solutions where the market doesn’t do what’s needed. For example, get the CMHC to mass build housing again.

      My point is that if there was significant action on these points their effects would be obvious to point out to the Trumper and they’d obviously get the benefit to themselves. Then it would be easy to communicate the message that Pipsqueak is gonna take all of this away.