• The cycle continues:

    • Hey you guys can have everything for free
    • WTF this is expensive to provide, I think I’m gonna start taking advantage of you guys which someone will pay me to do
    • WTF where’s everyone going
    • WTF I’m still losing money and always have been
    • Screw you guys, screw everybody, I didn’t want y’all anyway
    • (fades into irrelevance, gets bought by someone and stripped for parts)

    Idk it’s not as pithy as Cory Doctorow’s version I guess

    Anyway we’re at step 5 at this point

    •  xavier666   ( @xavier666@lemm.ee ) 
      112 months ago

      The key capitalistic trick is to time your step 2 just when you have a critical mass on your platform. Upper management has understood that our shitty paywall will remove x% of our users from our platform. But if (100-x)% of our users can pay $y annually, we can sustain our business model and make $z of profit each year. PR will take care of all the backlash but it’s all calculated.