Robert Downey Jr stunned fans as the Iron Man star removed a mask during the San Diego Comic-Con Hall H panel to reveal that he will play Doctor Doom, one of Marvel’s biggest villains, in the upcoming film Avengers: Doomsday.

The panel on Saturday was flooded with hooded figures wearing masks of the comic book villain known for his sorcery and science when Downey Jr revealed his face. “I like playing complicated characters,” he said as fans began to chant his name.

    • I mean, it sounds like a joke right? Like a desperate or cynical stunt to use his appeal to get the franchise going again … or is that just me?

      I can see some multiverse thing about Doom being a dark version of Iron Man … that’s make sense and basically confirm the beliefs that RDJ’s iron wasn’t going to be gone for long. Even still, it’d appear cynical.

      But in Hollywood, a major actor playing multiple roles in the same franchise, isn’t really a thing (for better or worse) … so this is certainly something right?

      • I mean, it sounds like a joke right? Like a desperate or cynical stunt to use his appeal to get the franchise going again … or is that just me?

        There may be an in-universe explanation but that seems the only way I can see them justifying the budget to get him back. Apparently, Deadpool isn’t Marvel Jesus after all.

      • Maybe that’s the angle they’re taking it. Remember that Reed Richards was in a different universe in MoM, and Spider-Mans were different Peters, so…

        I have no doubt he can do well with the character, just hope it makes a bit of sense and doesn’t feel like they’re using RDJ as a selling point to breathe life back into a tired run.

      • Josh Brolin played Cable in Deadpool and Thanos in Avengers.

        I have listened to enough actors on podcasts that say they want interesting roles. (The lone exception is Joshua Malina, who says he does it for the paycheck and doesn’t care but I am pretty sure he’s joking.)

        RDJ main issue with Iron Man is that it was repetitive. Marvel (probably more so Disney) squeezed so much blood from that stone that he was just tired of it. Nothing else left to explore.

        I’m hoping RDJ can revitalize the franchise but I’m not holding my breath.

      •  Steve   ( ) 
        2 months ago

        No it doesn’t sound like a joke. It sounds like a perfect response to the situation they’re in.

        His last Avengers was their last predictable hit. Things haven’t been going so well since he left.

        Majors is out. You could recast the big bad, or change to a different big bad. Since “He Who Remains” wasn’t going over that well anyway, it makes sense to shift to a new one. Maybe one of the best they have available, Dr. Doom.

        So by combining the best villain with the best star, you have the best bet for banking billions.

        Makes perfect sense.