How to update BIOS on a system that only use Linux as OS.

Asking this because some clowns at Acer decided that they will only provide BIOS updates through Windows Update.

Edit: I’m not talking about installing the BIOS file. They don’t even provide BIOS file in the first place.

  • Razer was the worst. It had to be done thru a ‘legitimate’ copy of the latest full Microsoft Windows (no old Windows, Windows PE, FreeDOS, etc.) & the purpose was to give you a black+green GUI experience. After I emailed them about this several years ago when I had a Razer laptop, they put up a sign on the support page now saying installing Linux voids both you warranty & any support tickets.

      • Funny is that they did a big push for a hot minute to be the next developer-friendly laptop goto as they had a lot of power & æsthetics that were slim & looked alright in an office compared to everything else at the time where gaming laptops needed RGB & a hood scoop while non-gaming laptop suffered massively in performance. I picked one up around that announcement, but a few years & they completetly doubled back.