• Sadly, it’s a stupid dependency of a lot of things.

      Just ran npm explain is-number on one of my projects, and it’s a dependency of to-regex-range which is a dependency of fill-range which is a dependency of…and so on up the chain.

      I was hoping I wouldn’t find that in there, but alas, it is.

    • I don’t get the concept that depending on 7 lines of code from a third-party package is remotely acceptable. It’s expanding the potential attack surface to save a dev from templating 7 lines of boilerplate. There’s no net benefit or appreciable time saved.

      I’m glad I don’t have to deal with this regularly.

      ETA: The package is even MIT licensed! There’s no excuse but laziness and not wanting to understand the code to import this rather than inlining or implementing a novel version. If I can spend the time to write:

      if err != nil {
        slog.Warn("well shit", "error", err)
        return err

      after every function call…I just didn’t get it.