ALT: an excerpt from the lyrics of the song The Defence by black midi that reads:

A brothel is a business no different than a bank

As safe and as formal and sanitary

My girls all destined for Hell

Or so says our priest

But find me a Christian who spends as much time on their knees

  • I always liked this from the Queensryche song Spreading the Disease:

    Religion and sex are powerplays Manipulate the people for the money they pay Selling skin, selling God The numbers look the same on their credit cards

    • YES! I have always LOVED that line!

      Good god that whole fucking album is just SO damn good and is STILL (frustratingly) relevant and on point! It had a big impact on me unlearning a lot of bullshit that I was raised with and opening my eyes. I love it so much and I am super stoked to see it mentioned here!! :)