My boy is 6, and has been gassing for a pet for a long time. We want to get him something, but our parameters are pretty narrow:
- Can’t be a cat or dog (allergies)
- No rodents/mustelids (wife: ew)
- No snakes (wife: ew)
- No birds (wife: ew)
- No Arthropods (Wife: ew)
Reptiles/frogs/amphibians are ok in our books.
Ideally, I would like something he could physically handle on occasion but that’s not a deal breaker.
Fish are cool, but kind of boring to a 6 year old maybe.
Crabs are cool, but seem kind of cryptic.
Would be amazing if it didn’t break the bank and was somewhat easy to care for
Thoughts appreciated if you have any.
Do guinea pigs or rabbits qualify as “rodent”? Most of the people from the ew-faction have a specific dislike for long, naked tails, which neither of those two have. Worth a look, at the very least.
If you do decide on either of those, please get minimum 2, they will die if kept in solitude.
I had guinea pigs for a while, got two males. One wasn’t a male. We ended up with many guinea pigs.
Fun pets, but don’t keep them in a bedroom, they are way too loud for that.
I had two adults, they were near silent. Though they were left to roam the house at all times, in the end I never really knew where they spent most of the night. Their cage was in my bedroom though, and that was the only place where they got food.
Rabbit was a maybe. Good to know about the needing 2