A woman was left “devastated” after her daughter’s passport application was rejected because she was named after a Game of Thrones character.

Lucy, 39, from Swindon in Wiltshire, said the Passport Office initially refused the application for Khaleesi, six.

Officials said they were unable to issue a passport unless Warner Brothers gave permission because it owned the name’s trademark. But the authority has since apologised for the error.

    • Here in Germany, they can decide to refuse a name for a child if it’s overly krass or might make the child’s life unduly difficult. While one can argue about whether they like that, at least it only happens once. If you have a name, you can get as many passports with it on there as you want.

      • In Malaysia same rule apply, but the only gate is from the National Registration Department, where they might reject name including joke name and stupidly long name, the other department have no such power.

        At least no child have to live with the name Biggus Dickus or Incontinetia Buttocks for 18 years.

    • The Passport Office has admitted that it was a mistake and have sorted this out. The interesting question is how this happened. I’ve known a few people who work their and they aren’t beyond dicking about - back in the day they might mess with famous people by sticking their photograph on upside down. I could see them doing something like this is they thought someone had a stupid name.

      •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
        2 months ago

        It is a stupid name. Why lumber the kid with an unnecessarily daft name? It’s not even easy to spell.

        I’ve got a somewhat odd name (at least I’m not named after a character from a book), and I do wish my parents would just have gone with Tom or something.

        • The UK does indeed have certain limitations on what a name can be.

          Names that contain obscenities, numerals, misleading titles, or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected by the Registering Officer, when registering a child.

          There are no restrictions on adults assuming any new name, unless the purpose of the name change is fraudulent.

      • I’ve only quickly read that. Kinda funny with reference to the Klingon Empire.

        However this doesn’t say anything about blank names. The closest it comes is point six.

        1. People’s names fit within a certain defined amount of space.

        But I believe that is talking about an upper limit rather than a lower limit.

        If your first and last name (or any combination of however many names you have) is literally blank then how do you expect to function in society? Let alone modern society.

        You’ll end up with an alias (which is essentially nickname) that someone assigns you that will become your de facto name… and now you have a name .