• No its not and that you talk like that is literally just my point. Arrogant behavior and inability to live with different opinions on most topics, talking about everyone else as uninformed and dumb or believing conspiracy “theories” like “the evil wrong thinkers want everyone to stay dumb” “the jews are in charge of everything” and several like minded “theories”

    • Jesus Christ what the fuck are you talking about. Lemme break this down real quick, I guess

      1. Yes it is. That’s where it comes from in African-American Vernacular. Denying that is… Weird
      2. I don’t mind differing opinions. I do mind misinformation.
      3. I didn’t call anyone dumb. I think politicians like Ron DeSantis don’t want us to teach history because they know we’re not dumb, and the only way to keep us under their thumbs is to keep us uninformed
      4. When did I say anything about conspiracy theories? What conspiracy theories do you think I believe in
      5. The Jews are not in charge of everything WHAT THE FUCK ARE TOU TALKING ABOUT. Why are you painting me with that brush? That’s… Weird.