from her telegram

  • Man it was on sale for $20 on green man gaming a few weeks ago during the “sizzling sale”. Whenever steam has sales check them out IsThereAnyDeal as that’s how I found it. Atb that price, I gave up waiting and caved. I was even able to convert my PS4 save (jailbroken) to PC without losing any progress.

    I realize the group I’m in, but I wanted to let others know who are holding off potentially because of the price

    • “It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”.

      I refuse Denuvo on principle, only buy worthy games when they remove it. But I think Atlus games never got Denuvo removed? Even after years. So it’s either it gets cracked and I play it, or it doesn’t and I won’t lose sleep over it lol