• They sure love them some Java. It’d be nice if they focused more on C/C++/Rust, you know, actual bare metal system languages that make you think about memory management.

    Edit: I used to have a roommate who was studying compsci and they were making him program a PIC18F microcontroller on a development board in assembly. It was kinda fun because while he wasn’t using it, I’d have fun with it just programming normal C and making all the blinkenlights and gizmo peripherals on his board do shit, while he was struggling to even read a sensor.

    • If it’s compsci, then it doesn’t need to be bare metal. It should be a language that’s good at demonstrating abstractions. Java wouldn’t be my choice, here. Elixir would be a good one.

      You might want bare metal as a prereq to an operating system course.

      If it’s software engineering, OTOH, then yes, a bare metal language has a bigger place.