Hey everyone, I’m relatively new to linux and was looking for some advice/direction. I have been using Mint Debian Edition for around 6mo or so, and want to learn to use the command line efficiently and proficiently.

I have set up EndeavourOS on a backup laptop I have and have been playing with it, reading the Arch Wiki and such, but I feel like I’m not necessarily learning why I’m doing things, just doing what has worked for others.

So here I am. I guess I’m looking for recommendations for books or articles (physical or online) that can help me to learn and understand the workings on linux, and especially the command line.

Thank you all so much.

  • Using LLM works great since Linux documentation is extensive and was used to train the models.

    Just tell it what you want to do and it will write commands and explain how they work.

    Even models that can run on mid grade consumer GPU can do this now.

    You can set up a docker container for webui and load models in there.