Not exactly a big surprise after the secret meeting with Bibi, but still. Firm confirmation.

      •  LukeZaz   ( ) 
        919 days ago

        On the presidential ticket for 2024, yes, harm reduction is the only option. But I don’t have to like it, and it’s not gonna mean that I’m not going to criticize and protest the genocide she enables.

        There’s more to politics than just voting in an undemocratic system.

        • It’s a classic trolley problem. For many American voters it’s a choice between their family members being murdered or more of their family members being murdered. Pull the lever to set the trolley on track to kill fewer of your family members.

          The thing about the trolley problem is that it is far from unanimous how people react to being put in that position. There are many people who will not pull the lever to deliberately endorse the murder of their family members even if it means that more of their family will be killed. It is more for politicians to react to the sensibilities of their constituents than it is for constituents to conform to the desires of their politicians. It’s Kamala’s election to lose. Fortunately and unfortunately she’s very flexible and reacts to pressure. Never let up.