We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.

  •  Handles   ( @halm@leminal.space ) 
    10425 days ago

    There already is a symbol for the fediverse:

    This has existed for years already, is used widely, and IMHO looks way better than this dull attempt. I see no good argument in the campaign website for using this new one instead.

      • I commented on the last post about this, the three stars are difficult to make out on a small screen, they look like a blurry capital A. On top of that, it’s apparently used in astronomy to represent clusters of stars, like a constellation.

        The whole point of this campaign appears to be to replace a unique symbol with one that’s already in use and is hard to read at small sizes 🤷🏻‍♂️

      •  Handles   ( @halm@leminal.space ) 
        24 days ago

        Exactly. A logo isn’t meant to work at 11 point size in the middle of inline text. The typographical argument is nonsense, and I think this proposal is really a reaction to the idiotic “Satanic panic” over the rainbow pentacle.

      •  Handles   ( @halm@leminal.space ) 
        723 days ago

        …and this latest proposal certainly isn’t either of those things.

        This logo is really unpopular

        Source? I’ve only ever seen a handful of strawman arguments that “I’m not offended by the vague resemblance to a pentagram/use of rainbow colours implying LGBTQ+ support, but somebody might be”, but its fairly wide adoption suggests that most people — myself included — actually like it.

        • This is the first I’m hearing of any issue with it resembling a pentagram, the criticisms I’ve heard involve the design in general not looking professional, not scaling well, and lacking a unique palette.