•  GeekFTW   ( @GeekFTW@lemmy.zip ) OP
    224 days ago

    Idk when TK hired her if he was expecting she was gonna be the second coming of Manami Toyota or something or some magical reason but he saw some use in the woman and I’m still wondering where it is besides ‘mid-carder’.

    I like Saraya to an extent but her days where she was a big enough deal to be pushed as a main story has been over for a minute. I do still enjoy her and Harley being promo menaces so I can’t complain too hard I suppose, but I’d like her more in this as ‘the welcome back match’ and move on and not ‘let’s hear Saraya screech and get her brother booked’ or whatever’s gonna happen lol.

    • This helped me understand the complaints I’ve seen! It never entered my mind that this would be more than a short feud as Hayter gets back into the mix. (And, even without the rumors, Hayter returning pissed about how she went out sounds better than sticking with DMD, though I’m not a big Saraya fan.)