•  protist   ( @protist@mander.xyz ) 
        524 days ago

        I should have clarified 15°C, which would be a shift of 27°F. It’s hard to overstate how devastating that would be to the ecology of Northern Europe, potentially sending Ireland near permafrost territory and ending agriculture and pastoralism as they know it

    • It slows down, an effect of cold water from melting ice passing south of greenland, which has a local cooling effect, while the atlantic as a whole gets warmer. Consequence is a greater heat contrast along that front, which may intensify the sequence of low pressures bringing wind and rain, which is what Ireland has just experienced this summer. But the high-resolution models do not show that AMOC stops abruptly, that was a feature of simpler models designed to replicate palaeoclimatic changes at the end of the ice ages, when the amount of ice available to melt was much higher.