•  Laborer3652   ( @Laborer3652@reddthat.com ) 
    22 days ago

    I’m actually really good at these soft skills (I don’t know why, they’re not skills I have during every day life). But I can only maintain it for the duration of the interview. I fall apart as soon as I get the job and thats when the trouble starts.

    • Gosh, same. I can do the charisma thing and chameleon whatever I’m supposed to say, and heck, even be good at the damn job…

      …too good.

      Once it stops being interesting, I start trying to find ways to make it fun, or squeeze in creative projects during downtime, and uptight types don’t like discovering that I’ve still got the spark they sacrificed right out of business school.

      Disclaimer: Not claiming to be a genius or anything.

    • I met a guy like this. He just changed jobs every year. His past employers said they never got any work out of him, but he just kept leapfrogging, getting better and better jobs at each company advancing his career.