• Honestly probably not. At least not in a big enough way, as to actually meet somewhat reasonable climate targets. However Biden actually passed some pretty decent laws and just keeping them on the book is going to help a lot. Trump already promised to remove all of them. According to an analysis of CarbonBrief just keeping Bidens laws, compared to Trump would look like this:

    If Harris can be brought to pass some decent climate laws, which given her record is certainly possible, then the US might actually reach its way too low climate targets. Obviously state and municipality level changes also can improve it too. However that work has to be done by activists. With Trump there will be no pro climate policy on a federal level at all.

    • Fuck that graph is depressing.

      Wish I had received billions in voting power when I was born. But alas, if I had my brain would be broken and I would be incapable of empathy. Such is the way of inevitable destruction for humans.

      • Two things:

        1. This is the future and that means we can change it today. In this case with new better laws
        2. Falling emissions means weaker fossil fuel industry and stronger green industry. Hence lobbying can be turned around.
    • Also the global impact would likely be much greater, due to the co-operation factor.
      On the other hand, there is a time-lag to policy impact, also exogenous surprises (superimposing past presidents on that plot may be revealing).