•  Lugh   ( @Lugh@futurology.today ) OP
    1615 days ago

    If ever there was an industry that could do with some technological overhaul - its housing. 3D Printing threatens to do the job, and seems to have the right tools, but never takes off - will this be the one that does?

    At $1,000 per module they offer solutions to homelessness in western countries.

    • the people making way too much money in an industry–in this case, banks–will fight tooth and nail to prevent any kind of innovation that offers any alternative to them not making way too much money

    • The people saying this know nothing about construction or what innovations are needed. Humans have been building housing for thousands of years and we have learned a lot over that time. Anyone asking for a technological overhaul generally doesn’t even know what we have learned and so is just going to make mistakes (sometimes deadly - there are many ways a house can kill) that someone in the industry would avoid. Generally they come up with something that costs more while being worse because they have no idea where the real problems are and so didn’t optimize it.