• Well that didn’t last very long. It was 8 MB for like six years and then it just went to 25 MB maybe a year ago and now we’re back down to 10 MB.

    I’m surprised they aren’t offsetting the cost by selling all our data to language learning models like everyone else is

    •  tetris11   ( @tetris11@lemmy.ml ) 
      14 days ago

      I’m surprised they aren’t offsetting the cost by selling all our data to language learning models like everyone else is

      Hah. Hahaha. Hahahahahahaahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

            • Because it was never a problem. It’s a little bit faster for encoding and decoding, and no service ever had problems with the file size. Especially not my selfhosted stuff. Every service, except discord. As I now have resorted to using Vencord or just uploading most media to Nextcloud, I don’t have that many issues with it anymore, anyway.

            • JPEG for graphics like screenshots is not very efficient. For stuff like that, png is simply superior. (But not with compression 0)

              PNG is not good for photos though.

              • why though? The graphics represented in the screen are already squashed and scaled, so you wouldn’t be preserving their quality in any case. If you’re worried about text, JPEG should still be able to handle it under high quality settings

                  • But that’s patently untrue: take this 10 MB example TIFF file as an example.

                    • PNG Compression, max compress (=quality 9):

                      convert file_example_TIFF_10MB.tiff -quality 9 test.png
                    • JPG Encoding, 99% quality (=quality 99):

                      convert file_example_TIFF_10MB.tiff -quality 99 test.jpg

                    Final file size comparison:

                    9.7M Sep  5 13:21 file_example_TIFF_10MB.tiff
                    1.7M Sep  5 13:22 test.jpg
                    2.5M Sep  5 13:22 test.png

                    PNG is significantly larger, and difference in quality between them is negligible

            • I use 4k because I like seeing a lot of stuff at the same time in good quality.
              I make screenshots of my whole screen to share all the stuff in the highest detail.
              Using jpeg would result in literally unreadable pictures.

              • Depends on the Quality setting and version of jpeg. Even the original jpeg, on high quality, will result in little to no data loss. IIRC, Jpeg can even do lossless, with the only caveat being that it doesn’t save alpha channels (but screenshots don’t need to have transparency, anyway). Newer versions of jpeg, such as jpeg-2000 (and the much less broadly supported jpeg-XL) have much better compression and provide higher image quality at lower file size.

                “jpegification” or “Deep-frying” only really occurs with the original jpeg at low quality settings.

    • I’m surprised they aren’t offsetting the cost by selling all our data to language learning models like everyone else is

      aren’t they doing it? but at least by looking at how much they like locking out people until they give out their phone number, I suspect they are not collecting it without having further use for it

    • They increased to 25 to encourage media uploads to train their own models with. They now have collected enough metrics to realize, most valuable content is below 10MB. Now they are optimizing. They won’t lose anything valuable to them and the users who are impacted might even buy Nitro now. Win-win for them

        • https://discord.com/terms#5 is pretty permissive

          Your content is yours, but you give us a license to it when you use Discord. Your content may be protected by certain intellectual property rights. We don’t own those. But by using our services, you grant us a license—which is a form of permission—to do the following with your content, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, in connection with operating, developing, and improving our services:

          Use, copy, store, distribute, and communicate your content in manners consistent with your use of the services. (For example, so we can store and display your content.)
          Publish, publicly perform, or publicly display your content if you’ve chosen to make it visible to others. (For example, so we can display your messages if you post them in certain servers or recommend that content to others.)
          Monitor, modify, translate, and reformat your content. (For example, so we can resize an image you post to fit on a mobile device.)
          Sublicense your content, to allow our services to work as intended. (For example, so we can store your content with our cloud service providers.)