This is a massive security risk and they have had so much controversy. They also routinely delete Github issues and discussions that question them. To top it off they are likely Chinese run.
in my book they are more of a risk than the USA. The USA already has political influence, for china to do it they need to use more extreme methods, like infiltrating your computer and use it and perhaps you as their tools
This is a massive security risk and they have had so much controversy. They also routinely delete Github issues and discussions that question them. To top it off they are likely Chinese run.
China is good though? At least that ensures they aren’t a CIA operation.
China bans encryption and doesn’t allow you to use anything to thwart surveillance. I can’t say I want that in a remote access tool.
Not really. At this point, you’re having to pick between two surveillance states.
or neither, when cloosing open source tools worth their salt. in more and more fields such tools appear, fortunately
in my book they are more of a risk than the USA. The USA already has political influence, for china to do it they need to use more extreme methods, like infiltrating your computer and use it and perhaps you as their tools
I had the impression that it has a Russian connection, but anyways, it’s good to be in the lookout for such things