Telegram is no longer safe for piracy.

I bet they will start kicking out piracy channels in few weeks.

I am going to delete my account now as it will become useless soon anyway.

    • I know. I said semi abandoned because element x is their focus, which is the reason they are not adding features to element and are hesitant to put in fixes for things that would require massive changes.

      This is still not ideal because the flagship app isnt advancing in a good speed. Thats why I dont recommend it.

    • How it works (to simplify) is them giving up on matrix clients ever becoming performant and well behaving on handheld devices (because of the absurd complexity of the protocol), and, instead of doing something about that, just decided to shift the client logic onto the server and castrating the clients (esp. for offline features). It’s also good short-term business because it makes hosting Matrix even more cumbersome and expensive, giving a compelling reason for the type of midscale/corporate deployments previously on the fence about their self-hosting costs (due to poor design and scalability) to just pay Element for that (while probably contemplating an alternative future).