Highly relevant to us (as admins)

  • Blocking children from online communities is blocking them from seeing external views outside of the bubbles their parents indoctrinate them into, it’s blocking them from seeing information to realise if they’re in an abusive situation and seeking help, it’s marginalising LGBT+ youth if, through no fault of their own, they happen to be born to ultra religious or LGBT+ phobic parents.

    • Blocking children from online communities

      These are adult online communities. They are not communities for children. My Facebook feed is not something I would like a child to see or interact with, and I would consider it pretty tame. Algorithmic feeds that amplify minor / random views into a torrent of reinforcement is not what kids - or adults, actually - need.

      • People should be allowed to decide for themselves what they want to see. If they agree with you and think they don’t want to see certain things, then great, they can enable the kids filter, which is usually an easy toggle in settings. If they don’t agree with the makers of the app what is suitable for children, they should also have the option to see the rest of the content.