• I mean, I’m not a veterinarian and my words should not be taken as scientifically valid, but I feel like way too many stories like this are just … veering way too far into anthropomorphism. I mean, I’m fully aware that many mammals are way smarter than we give credit to and in some ways more human than many people are willing to admit, but this just seems a bit incredulous.

    • Idk…some animals are just like that. I have two dogs. One is unquestionably a dog. One might be an animorph or a human trapped in a dogs body. He’s so much smarter. I don’t teach him things but he figures it out in his own. Ex: opening doors, making trades, knowing individual names of people/animals, etc. I didn’t teach him any of that.

      And when I adopted the “dog” dog he would look at what the “human” dog was doing and copy it to get treats.

      It wouldn’t surprise me if a cat wanted attention so it acted like someone else. Sometimes, I suspect animals are a lot smarter and more aware than humans give them credit for.

    • Aren’t animals commonly-ish being recorded faking injuries such as a hurt/broken legs? Maybe the videos were fake too but there are certainly videos out there of dogs limping (and switching the leg they limp with) even though their legs are fine