•  Nima   ( @Nima@leminal.space ) 
    527 days ago

    they’ve already lost so many devs who walked away or restructured their projects for Godot or other engines.

    They’re far too late on this. And their pricing is still too expensive.

    not the brightest bunch.

    • Brand is already in ruins. Their users weren’t gamers, who’d come running back if a new flashy game came out, it’s engineers. Developers who need to know long term that the choice they make will work for them in 5 years, 10 years, or further. I don’t know how they can expect that trust to be rebuilt, it’ll take many, many years for them to even be on the radar for most developers now.

      • Developers who need to know long term that the choice they make will work for them in 5 years, 10 years, or further.

        I think that’s exactly what they were counting on. Same thing all these companies are counting on; that their users are too deeply invested to bother switching platforms. And most of the time they’re right! But I guess Unity found that breaking point and blew by it at 100mph.