what is the best linux terminal? I have been using alacritty for years and have been doing well. But I don’t think kitty and st. I was wondering if any new projects have come out in recent years.

  • For me: Wezterm. It does pretty much everything. I don’t think Alacritty/Kitty etc. offer anything over it for my usage, and the developer is a pleasure to engage with.

    Second place is Konsole – it does a lot, is easy to configure, and obviously integrates nicely with KDE apps.

    Honorable mention is Extraterm, which has been working on cool features for a long time, and is now Qt based.

    •  lobut   ( @lobut@lemmy.ca ) 
      7 days ago

      +1 for Wezterm, it also had image support that Alacritty didn’t have, which I needed for Yazi to work.

      I’ve heard good things about Warp too but Wezterm is where I’ll be for now.