My hometown’s newspaper just published an opinion piece about the disastrous effects, ecologically and financially, that lawn care causes. Not totally surprising but it’s important to note that this is a retirement community in the bible belt!

Y’all, it’s working! Keep spreading the word!

  • IMO one of the most problematic area for lawns is not really conservative area, like bible belts; but old money area like several super rich neighborhoods in blue (and red states, but good amount of them are in blue).

    These people care about social status more than money or really anything else. they are happy to dump all the pollution and spends a shit load of money, just be accepted in their “high-class neighborhood”.

    • But look on the bright side: when/if the no lawn movement gains momentum those same people will jump on the bandwagon to conform with their neighbors.

      Public shame is a much stronger motivator than personal morality. Especially for limousine liberals. Once we get to the point where rich suburbanites replace grass with native plants or xeriscapes to look good for their neighbors, we’ve won.

    • The biggest problem (in the US) has to be all the suburbs, especially those with HOAs, and rental properties.

      These places aren’t likely to change anytime soon. It’s weird cus clover and no maintenance lawns would be ideal for everyone, but who knows.