• Yes. Most of those are just costs. I’d replace that with building a customer base and doing the math for how much of it you need to keep income over costs. That’s what kills most business ideas.

        • Agreed, I have various socialist proclivities, but man is it hard to deal with full blown tankies all over this site. It gets dumb real fast. Some of you guys are really ruining your cause by opening your mouth.

            • Naah dude, you think I’m fighting for socialism. I’m saying I want nothing to do with it because of the ignorant representation it gets on the internet.

              ie: Statements like East Germany was well taken care of by Communist Russia and anything having to do with public services provided by any socialist or Communist government. They are outright false, and the commenters are disingenuous liars. OP is one of them and I’ve encountered their lies numerous times.

              • I get annoyed with people who Stan for any politician and don’t use dialectics and nuance and historical significance to talk about these issues. It’s an issue with marxists just as much as any political leaning, but a lot of my fellow marxists should know better honestly.

                Leftist infighting has been the death of many leftist movements in the last 100 years.