Two U.S. food companies have received the go-ahead to sell chicken grown from cultivated animal cells in a production facility. It’s the first time meat grown this way will be sold in the U.S.

  • Many many vegans very much want others to stop eating meat as well. Notably because there’s no ethical way to eat or consume almost anything under veganism until animals aren’t being exploited for it. What’s more, even many non-vegans would be happy with that world, I for one would be extremely happy in a world where we can produce synthetic versions of animal products.

    The issue is a little more complex than “vegans can just eat other things”

    • Yeah I agree I’m just saying:

      1. If vegans object that’s fine/won’t affect these products.
      2. No one eating animals today would have any moral conflict about eating these kind of meat. Since they already kill and eat a much more living thing.