•  Salvo   ( @Salvo@aussie.zone ) 
    3319 hours ago

    This is ridiculous.

    • their algorithms are crap and keep ramming right-wing bullshit down my throat
    • they keep trying to get me to play YouTube games
    • they list YouTube Shorts multiple times in the Home Screen and most of the time it is just over-sexualised jailbait.
    • using anonymous Google to find a video on YouTube is more effective than using YouTube search

    I am seriously thinking of getting an Apple Vision Pro just so I can use Juno and bypass all the bullshit.

    Time I planned an exit strategy.

    • they list YouTube Shorts multiple times in the Home Screen and most of the time it is just over-sexualised jailbait.

      Commenters are quick to jump tondunk on you but they don’t realize that youtune runs “studies” or just pump shit up if creator pays. Behavior here is indicative of a larger social issue with bootlickers.

    • I don’t get allot of that, possibly because I have History turned off and refuse to turn it back on.

      • I vastly avoid Right Wing content, and most of what I do encounter is like old school Republican, reeeally old school Republican. They are as pissed at the Right Wing’s take over by the Alt-Right(and worse)
      • YouTube has games?!?
      • The shorts content I get is mostly computer content and news, some branding because I have entered contests, and that is it. I have seen 1 short that was even approaching jailbaity and it was an add for a coming of age movie.
      • It has been literally over a year since I used Google to find a video (well except for a tech support video I keep loosing the link to that I use to help people with installing Windows 11 Locally) and I have been using Startpage which anonymizes Google results.

      If you disabling your Ad ID and turning off your history and you still get all that BS I would be looking for an Exit Strategy to.

      •  Salvo   ( @Salvo@aussie.zone ) 
        22 hours ago

        I usually get bombarded with Right-Wing content after I watch Juice Media videos. Also, if a watch a feminist video, it is usually followed by recommendations of “AnTi-WoKe” mansplaining videos. it is if they want to show “Both Sides” after I watch something about maintaining democracy and contributing to society in a positive way.

        The YouTube Games are just another banner of unwanted “content” like Shorts.

        The T&A shorts are usually of young women in jeggings and crop-tops doing risqué actions; if your mouse passes over the Shorts for a millisecond , YouTube autoplays them and registers as a view, creating a negative feedback loop of more and more scantily clad young women doing mundane things in a risqué way.