[alt text: an illustration of a person with a head-empty expression on their face, who is saying, “Not letting your cat outside is CRUEL!” Around the person are various gruesome scenes of different cats in distress. From the top and going clockwise, the scenes include: a cat being carried away by a hawk; a cat that is on fire; a dead cat in the road that has been run over by a car; several dead kittens; a cat that is missing an eye and various patches of fur; a cat that is feasting on a songbird; and a cat that is being carried away by a coyote. The person appears to be completely oblivious to these scenes of distress.]

  • Not letting your cat outside is cruel. Not considering the environment it’ll be in is also cruel.

    Perhaps people should just be more mindful when it comes to their choice of pets and if they should even have one.

    • how is it cruel? There are many, many, many ways to provide enrichment for a cat without letting them outside to get run over by a car. I’m all for catios and taking cats for a walk on a leash or in some sort of covered carrier, as a form of enrichment. But I don’t think the absence of those activities is inherently cruel.