The number of containers I’m running on my server keeps increasing, and I want to make sure I’m not pushing it beyond its capabilities. I would like a simple interface accessible on my home network (that does not make any fishy connections out) that shows me CPU and RAM-usage, storage status of my hard drives, and network usage. It should be FOSS, and I want to run it as a Docker container.

Is Grafana the way to go, or are there other options I should consider?

  • it’s a bit more complicated than that. grafana is only for displaying of the collected info. you still need a database, and something that collects data from systems.

    what I do is grafana + prometheus for storage + prometheusnode exporter for collection.
    but, I’m not totally satisfied with this setup, because long term storage is unsolved (cranking up the retention time in prom will maje sure it’ll cost a lot of storage after a few months), and I haven’t found a way to collect info about top users of resources (e.g. top 10 processes by cpu usage)