Over the past 10 years, rates of colorectal cancer among 25 to 49 year olds have increased in 24 different countries, including the UK, US, France, Australia, Canada, Norway and Argentina.

The investigation’s early findings, presented by an international team at the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) congress in Geneva in September 2024, were as eye-catching as they are concerning.


Breast cancer is one form of cancer where the trend is apparent. A new report from the ACS found that while deaths from breast cancer in women have dropped by around 10% in the past decade, incidence rates are rising by 1% per year overall – and 1.4% per year for women under the age of 50.


Cancer specialists say that patients presenting with diseases like pancreatic cancer, an illness where most people are diagnosed in their early 70s, are sometimes decades younger than would usually be expected.


  • I used to take zantac daily from age 13 to 18 and then maybe once a month or so until 28.

    I recently did a screening for colon cancer (it was surprisingly easy. They just ask you to scrape a super small sample of poop into a test tube) and it came back clear. But damn. Not looking forward to what kind of digestive tract cancer I might get in the future.

    That being said, who the heck knows. My grandmother was a heavy smoker from age 12 and she lived to 80 something so maybe I’ll get lucky lol

    • If I recall correctly it was predominantly stomach cancers. That said, check that for certain because I learned about a couple things related to this, so it is possible I’m mixing it up.

      I’m glad your preliminary screening was looking good at least!