I was trolling through Crunchyroll for new anime to watch and I came upon Heroic Age, a space opera genre anime from 2002. Nothing ground breaking, but the artwork looks good to me, has a consistent storyline and I’ve enjoyed watching the first 4 - 5 episodes so far.

  • As from me…

    • Banana Fish - Very much exciting, with interesting characters, and it always keeps you at the edge. Definitely 10/10
    • Sonny Boy - This one… was interesting. What drew me to it was… the surreality, and in general, the style.
    • Kaiji - Simply said, both excitement and dread of gambling in various games.
    • Shinsekai Yori - Quality worldbuilding, sci-fi
    • Thanks for your suggestions. Banana Fish and Sonny Boy are on my watch someday list.

      Shinsekai Yuri I have already seen and I agree, the world building is very good and the storyline keeps you hooked.

      Kaiji is not on Crunchyroll in my location so I can’t try it out.