• Come on. “No u” is all you’ve got?

    It’s not “no u”, it’s “Israel is also committing war crimes and terrorism”. But you’re just an ideologue as well, and see everything in terms of one being right and the other being wrong.

    with the intention of inciting a terrorist offence

    which 100% matches Khan’s actions.

    Bullshit. He did not attempt to actually incite people to commit terrorist actions, from anything I’ve read. You’re trying to play games with words, where “destruction” is (right now, you’ve decided) a direct incitement to violence, but “downfall” is just a vague ideological opposition. The word choice is not what matters, it’s the intent that does, and they did not show any evidence that he’s attempted to incite people to violent acts.

    I don’t have to like the guy to oppose obvious bad-faith claims by the right-wing white supremacists running the Italian government.

    like you are trying to somehow marry some old extreme-left anti-Western ideals with Islamofascim, which is absurd mental gymnastics

    I didn’t do that, you did. I didn’t mention e.g. socialist calls for revolution or the like anywhere. But since you brought it up, it is important to point out that the logic used against him absolutely could be used against the Left in Italy. The whole point of the “First they came for…” poem is about not pushing back on fascism when it isn’t targeting you, or maybe even targeting people you don’t like.

    And in case you want to claim this is fear-mongering, this is actually happening in the UK already, with climate protesters being charged as “terrorists” under a program (“Prevent”) that was originally meant to protect against especially Islamic extremism. [1][2]

    You cannot be an advocate for the Palestinian people and at the same time support a group that oppresses Palestinians and has brought endless suffering over them even before this war that they started.

    Now you’re just falling back on the “Hamas bad so Israel good better for Palestinians” shtick. Hamas is bad, but they’re certainly helping Palestinians more than Israel is. And their leaders being wealthy? You can largely thank Netanyahu for that, because he’s one of the biggest offenders siphoning them money to undermine the PA from making inroads back into Gaza. Also, using wealth disparity as some kind of gotcha against them as leaders is a hell of a line to use if you live in a Western country, since that’s true for their political leaders too.

    Did you know that Israel is granting asylum to LGBTQ+ Palestinians from both the Gaza strip and the West Bank due to how heavily they are being persecuted?

    That’s wonderful. It does not excuse their genocide, though. (See, I can actually hold a nuanced view that goes beyond “x good or x bad”.)

    Hamas’ goals are indistinguishable from the likes of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

    Once again, you are clearly incapable of understanding that not supporting Israel (or their right-wing supporters abroad) does not mean someone supports Hamas or their political views. But them being bad, and even the majority of Palestinians having what I believe to be harmful religious views, does not mean I’m okay with mistreating or killing them. Same way I don’t for religious Jews or Christians, who also have harmful views.