• Conspiracy theories are popular because people often prefer easy answers to reality. And “gays womens disableds bad” is a very easy answer, as it absolves [thanks maccentric] people that are not in those groups from blame.

    •  1984   ( @1984@lemmy.today ) 
      10 hours ago

      This sounds weird to me. What is easier than just trusting the official information? This is exactly what conspiracy theorists are complaining about actually. That ordinary people just trust the information they are given by credible sources.

      If anything, people who believe the standard information are the laziest, no?

      So the “easy answers” part sounds a bit weird. The easy answers are right there on TV and the internet on the first search hit.

      It’s more that those answers don’t make sense to conspiracy theorists. I guess you can tell them to get a degree in science and then it will make sense to them, but that won’t happen.

      But it’s interesting how others can appearently explain how things work to conspiracy theorists in a way so they feel they understand and don’t doubt the information. Because it makes intuitive sense to them.

      Maybe too much of science is hidden behind complicated layers that normal people just don’t understand and can’t understand.

      • “Easy answers” in that they’re simple, fit into their existing worldview, and don’t require them to change anything. Not easy as in the easiest to find. That’s why it’s a conspiracy, the simple answers that they want to be correct are being hidden from them.

      • Conspiracy theories are easy answers because they lack the nuance of reality and they present an attractive narrative. There’s good guys, bad guys, underdogs, secrets, etc. In contrast reality is full of grey areas, requires a lot of thought, will make you empathize with those you thought you’d blame and vice versa. Facing facts is hard work.

        •  1984   ( @1984@lemmy.today ) 
          3 hours ago

          I don’t know if it’s contradicting anything. Bad guys with power get together and plan things all the time.

          It really isn’t very hard to keep things under cover either. A lot of coverups goes unnoticed for many years until some whistleblower steps forward and gets punished severely. Specially the US strikes down on whistleblowers very, very hard.

          How many are ongoing right now? I’m guessing a lot. Because people are no longer even looking for it. That worries me. I think people are fooling themselves that there are no big plans carried out, and events are just random. Nobody intends to do anything, and things just happen. Makes no sense to me at all.

          • There’s nothing in this conversation that you could even consider a strawman, yet, so I don’t know what you think that word means.

            However, I must just assume you aren’t part of a minority community if you haven’t been affected by people constantly bitching about how some piece of media is too woke now because it had a woman/gay person/trans person/person of colour existing in the content. Yes, they are a vocal minority. But it is by no means uncommon to encounter them.

            You may see substantially less of it on Lemmy since it is a predominantly left leaning space in general, and the left tends to be more accepting of non cishet white male presence

            • must just assume you aren’t part of a minority community if you haven’t been affected by people constantly bitching about how some piece of media is too woke now because it had a woman/gay person/trans person/person of colour existing in the content.

              You are “affaceted” by the shit people say online about video games?

              You do understand that at any given everything you can imagine is being said?

              Do you go out of your way to find this “content” to get “triggered”?

              People have a right to criticize video games and their developers, it is your right to make a judgement if that criticism is valid.

              I am not following how you are “affected” by online discussions lol

          • It really isn’t. Companies absolutely love using it as an excuse for why their shit product sold like shit, but these people are absolutely out there.

            Go spend 10 minutes on 4chan’s /v/ideogames board or /b/ - Random board for the most obvious and quick demonstration.

            Double edit: will respond to your response

    • Some actual conspiracies being true, the world burning and governments doing shit like dragnet surveillance doesn’t help either.

      We need to restore trust in governments, but for that, we need to get governments we can trust.

      • we need to get governments we can trust.

        Which isn’t going to happen if enough people vote along the lines of completely insane conspiracy theories. The candidate who says “I’m going to turn off the Jewish space lasers!!!” is almost certainly not going to be the one who makes the lives of normal people better through empathetic listening.