A female student alleged the school’s uniform policy was discriminatory against females

The school said the allegations were “offensive and baseless”

The tribunal found there wasn’t enough evidence to conclude the student was being treated unfairly because she was female

  • OTOH it helps children with lesser means have a way to be on the level with other children as far as that goes… Growing up in a place when/where brand names just started popping up on clothing, shoes etc. and you couldn’t afford being a walking advertisement was tough (however, it has shaped my wardrobe as the majority of my clothing has no obnoxious branding)

    Gendered uniforms are still shit, but there is a place for uniforms if done properly.

    • Students with lesser dress sense as well. When I started uni I discovered a whole new anxiety I never knew I had, about trying to fit in which bothered me for the first couple of years and stopped me from going to classes, at least now I’ve given up caring. But the school uniform was good for people with social anxiety like me, if I had this bothering me at school it would be a whole different thing.

      At the same time I think the school uniform policy in question here is stupid. I’m not female so I can’t relate to this but only imagine. It seems like QLD state schools are allowing the female students to wear pants. I will admit that I haven’t read the article but sounds like a pretentious private school