• DAVIES: Detective Wharton is now retired, and he traded in his badge for a Bible. Now, the Reverend Wharton says he and the entire system made a mistake. He says he’s forever haunted by his role in putting an innocent man on death row, a man he says should be exonerated.

    Even the detective think that isn’t what happened.

    Not so sure it’s so clear and cut.

    • the hospital did a CAT scan of little Nikki and found a swollen, bleeding brain believed at the time to be a classic sign of shaken baby syndrome.

      There are, indeed, conditions that will cause a brain to bleed inside the skull. Those conditions don’t explain all the head injuries outside the skull: the hematomas and hemmorhaging between the skin and the skull.

      If you want to argue against the death penalty, go ahead. I lean against it; you don’t have to convince me.

      But we do a disservice to every actual innocent convict when we pretend a guilty man is innocent just to avoid a sentence we abhor.

      If you want to explain the myriad serious head injuries in some way that absolves him of responsibility, I’m listening.