We’ve defederated from :


based on the list of instances made by @sunaurus@lemm.ee here - Thank you again for that work, it’s highly appreciated.

This is a preventive measure against massive amounts of accounts being created for botting purposes. Most instances banned appear to be 1 user instances so we don’t think this will have a great effect on anyone’s usage of Beehaw. If you are an admin of one of those instances, feel free to contact us at support@beehaw.org

  • I’d suggest making several accounts. The beehaw communities are large enough that I don’t need to leave beehaw to still see a lot of interesting things, and I have another lemmy account on a different instance for seeing most everything else.

    It really doesn’t cost anything to have multiple Lemmy accounts, any more than it does to manage multiple email addresses. To a degree, it’s even helpful for diversifying the content you see even further - beehaw is curated for quality and contribution; most instances are not.

    My beehaw account is where I have my most interesting discussions. My ‘out in the wilds’ account will mostly be for browsing the wealth of content that is not curated, for better or for worse.