• Signal unfortunately has a big barrier to entry (cell phone), many people that cannot afford that or not allowed it by family will be left out. Also verification via phone number means the government knows you’re using it for sure and they can try the big wrench method on you. If you do need to use it just download Molly.

      • Fair.

        However, SimpleX is very bare bones and does not have the security nor legal testing (I’ve not really seen an audit but maybe I missed it) meaning it cannot really be trusted yet and most normal folks won’t move to it. It’s been 2 years (or more) for example since someone asked for a proper iPad version and still nothing last we checked.

        There’s also no easy profile syncing yet.

        Let alone none of the features that make Signal easy to use and fun.

        Sadly Molly is only avaliable on Android and not everyone has Android on all their devices. Plus there’s Linux Tablets out there which can’t easily run it either.