• Oh I see thanks! I’m on beehaw.org which disables downvotes (I also disable showing upvotes in my account) so I was unaware about the downvotes when I replied you. Maybe you could come to here as well if you have any interest to keep using Lemmy.

    Looking at the positive, or neutral, side, at least the east propaganda makes it reach an equilibrium since most other English-talking places have mostly west propaganda. It seems to me people, or propaganda people/bots, on some Lemmy instances are against west at all costs, so they will eventually try silencing views which go against their version as to avoid something like historic nihilism. That’s not too different from west propaganda people.

    I should probably just quit using these websites altogether, and stay at scientific and professional communities. But I like the free/libre/federated aspect of it here, and in comparison to Reddit for example, posted content I see on the frontpage is generally serious.