We’ve defederated from :


based on the list of instances made by @sunaurus@lemm.ee here - Thank you again for that work, it’s highly appreciated.

This is a preventive measure against massive amounts of accounts being created for botting purposes. Most instances banned appear to be 1 user instances so we don’t think this will have a great effect on anyone’s usage of Beehaw. If you are an admin of one of those instances, feel free to contact us at support@beehaw.org

  • Since this was a question about a lemmy feature, I’m talking lemmy here, arguing about fediverse, TCP/IP or electricity numbers/servers/plants doesn’t seem usefull in this context. Providing a link to a server that to your knowledge (you provided the reason) hosts illegal content can be seen as participating in this crime or at least advertizing. (Disclaimer: I’m no lawyer, I just remember whole BBS being seized for providing lists of (international) phone numbers to BBS that hosted warez and there’s stuff that’s worse than warez).