Who had this on their bingo card?

  • Old punks unite! You’re right. Kindness and trying to do our part as best we can is all we can do. Hope is so very essential to combat the hopelessness, as is kindness. It’s easy to lose hope, but we must fight it however we can. Your comment does make me feel a bit better, thanks. You are wiser than I, which also is punk as fuck.

      • Lol. Being angry is also punk as fuck, and I still think you’re wiser than I. Many wise people through history has preached kindness and regardless of their other sometimes silly ideas, kindness seem to be a bit of a common theme between many of them. It is a powerful force and we need it more than ever. It’s the only thing that can stand against the hate we see too much of these days. The hate was always there, but it seem to have gained legitimacy as of late. That needs to be fought with kindness, not more hate. Kindness brings hope and we need more of that. See? Wise.

        • I was shocked to my core, angry, and fed up when everything in 2020 laid bare what our leadership truly stood for. I switched careers and went into renewable energy public policy to feel like I was doing something to curb carbon emissions. I started ebike commuting despite people wanting to run me off the road just for existing. I eliminated plastics in buying soap and all manner of cleaning products, eat mostly vegetarian, and root for the orcas. I channel that anger into motivation to educate people on my choices, and to be patient when I can’t convince them all. It’s exhausting, but the anger keeps me going!

          • Good for you! Wish more people would follow your example. Not everyone can, but there’s always something to do. I must say that this community has made my day a lot better. It is easy to lose hope, but I have gained back a little faith in humanity today. Thanks.