More than 3,500 employees to take part in nationwide strike, led by company’s Seattle Roastery

  • Target and Starbucks are (understandably, IMO) bowing to violent threats against their employees and customers. There’s not enough nuts out there to make a boycott actually impact their profit margin, and if there was it would be obvious to the other side that would probably more than offset any effort. Rainbow Capitalism wouldn’t exist if that wasn’t the case.

    But there are enough nuts out there to make good on their threats of violence. We’ve already seen those threats carried out many times, so it’s not just some hypothetical possibility.

    • I think that Walmart employee that was murdered by and anti-mask but really opened people’s eyes to how real domestic terrorism is in the US to these companies. Whether they’re doing this because they want to protect their employees or want to stop backlash against them is still up for debate, but either way it’s clear that terrorism works.