😂 amazing act of malicious compliance! fuck spez

  • Eh… If I logged on to my Workplace account (Facebook for corporations) and saw that I was made moderator of a Jailbait community would I:

    A) Do nothing for years


    B) Immediately remove myself and investigate that community to see if additional action needs to be taken


    • Do we know he did nothing for years, though? Like, I’m not checking /jailbait is still up on Internet Archive to see how long he was on their mod roster, I don’t want to end up on that list, but I’ve never seen anything that indicates he remained on their list for any particular amount of time.

      Didn’t do shit about the community as an Admin, for sure. That took way too long from all of Reddit. But that’s also separate from the recent narrative that he stayed as a mod for rather a while or was a willing and active mod there.

      • I don’t know if a timeline was made public but i imagine back then that either a) you might not even get the notification when made a mod somewhere or b) filterng wasn’t good so that particular one was lost and drowned in a ton of notifications.

        So it becomes somewhat plausible that spez was actually unaware of this fact for a bit.

        That said, my gut feeling is that he knew about it but tried to justify it publicly and to other reddit employees as some kind of “for free speech!” sort of thing. I dare not go any deeper and speculate about his private thoughts on the matter…

        • Apparently in the early days of reddit, you could add anyone as mod and you didn’t need to accept, it just automatically added you. IDK when that changed, but I was told by a user on modcoord that spez was added to that sub without his knowledge. I mean it’s bad enough that admin allowed subs like this to proliferate and continue their activity.

          The guy is a major DB, and has, for sure, done a lot of questionable to unethical stuff, but apparently modding that sub knowingly isn’t accurate. I like to be right when I’m criticizing the dude and there’s plenty to choose from.

            • I wasn’t really trying to answer the question of if he knew or not. idk if he did or not. I was just agreeing, based on what someone informed me, that yes what you said is probably correct, that he didn’t initially realize it. I guess my point is, it doesn’t really matter when he realized. He was added without permission, and removed himself. The fact that he was or wasn’t mod doesn’t negate the fact the reddit tolerated these subs and he has done plenty of shit that’s easily proven that it’s not like anyone really needs this issue to be the defining moment.

    • I’m not defending spezs behavior but there is a solid argument for not taking immediate action to remove yourself if you thought it would spark a wave of backlash from others doing the same thing.

      One of the worst things you can do on the internet is react to trolls.

      Did he leave it up until that functionality was removed? That would make sense. Don’t poke the bear until they can’t add you to all subs as mod.