• Wrong absurdism. Though it is related, absurdist fiction also deals with the lack of inherent meaning per absurdism. You use a level of confidence to say absurdism isnt about a lack of inherent meaning that i believe is entirely unwarranted.

    Absurdism is the philosophical theory that the universe is irrational and meaningless.


    Notably from Camus.

    Camus, however, denies that there is an answer to this question, and rejects every scientific, teleological, metaphysical, or human-created end that would provide an adequate answer. Thus, while accepting that human beings inevitably seek to understand life’s purpose, Camus takes the skeptical position that the natural world, the universe, and the human enterprise remains silent about any such purpose. Since existence itself has no meaning, we must learn to bear an irresolvable emptiness.


    • Absurdism is the philosophical theory that the universe is irrational and meaningless.

      in it’s most extreme form yes, similar to how nihilism works in it’s most extreme form, however the difference here is that we aren’t talking about an explicitly sterile environment, unfortunately we live in the real world, and as evidenced by this post. My description probably conveys more accuracy and meaning, than the philosophical definition of it, in this case at least.

      • it just depends on each person’s views, yours defines meaning in a way that makes the meme’s phrasing wrong but plenty of interpretations/definitions make it accurate. The lack of intrinsic meaning is pretty fundamental to the philosophy though. the meme is pretty clearly riffing on the fact that absurdism isnt just “nothing matters”, it’s visual wordplay.