•  Antik   ( @Antik@lemmy.ml ) 
    631 year ago

    There should be a ban on minors attending church.

    And not just because of the dangerous religious indoctrination, but also the documented-a-thousand-times-over child rape.

    • I get what you‘re trying to say and I‘m not a fan of churches either, but this just legitimises this idea that we need states and governments to ban attending an activity entirely based on negative actions of a some of that group. By that logic there is a whole lot of shit we need to ban including schools, kindergardens and daycares.

      The logical outcome then to “protect the children” is to ban any contact to any adult whatsoever, including the own family members since those are most likely to abuse the children.

      •  Antik   ( @Antik@lemmy.ml ) 
        1 year ago

        If you can provide me the same level and amount of proof that children are raped by teachers and daycare providers that I can provide you that they are by religious leaders, then I’ll concede.

        But you and I both know that proof doesn’t exist.

        That first sentence was a mouthful god damn. But I hope my point came across.

    • what you did just now is called whataboutism. there is no number of child rapes by catholic priests that would influence the acceptability for a child to be admitted to an upside down leopard thong show. we cannot just claim that someone else did something worse than what we did, and that it somehow makes what we did okay. it’s also problematic because it presents a false choice. we do not have to be both against children being admitted to see men dry humping each other dressed as santa’s reindeer and in favor of children being raped by catholic priests.

      • It’s not whataboutism; it’s asking why we are allowing children around known, proven predators with a track record (priests) but preventing them from seeing those who have zero record of any inappropriate activity with children (drag queens). Do we care about children’s safety or not?

      • @goatmeal Hamburger Mary’s is a drag/hamburger joint with a family day on Sundays. Drag queens dressed up like Lucy, etc. serve hamburgers and do family-friendly comedy. Is this for all families? Probably not. But politicians should NOT be able to tell me I can’t take MY kid there. Especially when I can give consent for my child to see a rated-R movie with obscene amounts of gun violence and death. People having their heads blown off is seriously BETTER for a child to see than a man telling jokes in a dress?

        @dirtmayor @Antik