Also, I asked for and received a signed dick pic for manfirmation. This elevates the status of the information from plausible to probable. Now all that remains is checking their socio-economic status, but he seems to be more private about that than about his privates.
This is a more accurate comment, you can tell because the spelling is correct and the content is plausible.
Thanks ChatGPT!
Ah man, I was hoping someone would explain the explanation of the explanation for some laughs… But noooooooooo…
Also, I asked for and received a signed dick pic for manfirmation. This elevates the status of the information from plausible to probable. Now all that remains is checking their socio-economic status, but he seems to be more private about that than about his privates.
I refuse to be complemented for something so banale.
I prefer the spelling ‘banal’
Fine. I refuse to be complemented for something so bananas.
I think the rebuttal is plantain! Great Work!